Böse Menschen sind Scheisse
24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2004
100 Copies
A.C. Kupper, also known as Rockmaster K. is a multi-talented artist who kept the integrity and the will to move on in his very personal personal universe and to follow a path that is truly his own. He works as a graphic designer, musician, artist, gallery owner and photographer. He founded both the music label ‘Suntic Records Zurich' and the ‘New Art and Media Verlag Zurich' in the 90s as well as the space for contemporary art ‘Neuropa - The Modern Institute later in 1997, where he himself acts as a curator. Alain Kupper excels at building bridges between sub-and high culture and thereby blurring their alleged boundaries.
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