DIY War Cars
Elvire Bonduelle

Available on Apple Books

24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2017
100 Copies

Elvire Bonduelle was born in 1981 in Paris. She studied at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris in Richard Deacon' studio and gratuated in 2005. Mainly based in Paris, she works and exhibits in France and abroad.

"(...) One of these frequent aimless excursions resulted in the series Les Dessins à la règle (Ruler Drawings). Since 2007 she has produced works in this series as regularly as breathing in and out, and even filled a few books with them. Sitting at her worktable she traces a line with a medium-sized ruler, and at one stroke improvises, letting herself be guided by the shapes and colors that emerge from her memory. When she first started, at a time when she didn’t have her own studio to work in, she drew interiors, and later, suburban homes (Maison, Voiture, Chien / House, Car, Dog). A few color highlights brought out depth. For her latest series, titled Les Vertus, she had the idea of a real estate agent who would ask homeowners to name a virtue to be written on their property. Words like “Calm and serenity” and “Paix/Peace/Friede” can be read on a balcony, shutters or a roof." Anaël Pigeat, Art press N°397, February 2013 Translation, L-S Torgoff

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