Kingdom of Rice

Available on Apple Books

20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2017
100 Copies

Anusman mainly works with ink and brush on paper, drawing childlike outlines of people, animals and objects, and gives his drawing a title or a narrative written in the clerical script of Chinese calligraphy with his idiosyncratic style of mixing traditional and simplified characters. Different from most illustrations and traditional comic narratives, Anusman’s works emphase on a single word, a sentence or sometimes a entire paragraph. Pictures and words are of equal importance. His works are marked by intelligence, humor and sometimes a little sarcasm. By addressing daily life, everyday food, animals and even art theory, he playfully changes the context of these subjects to deliver the audience a fresh viewing experience.

With more than 10 independent publications and a book on the theory of comics, Anusman is a comic illustrator, academic as well as an artist. Previously known as Wang Shuo, he was born in Liaoning province in 1984 and graduated from the Academy of Arts & Design at Tsinghua University in Beijing. After completing his MA in comics at the prestigious European School of Visual Arts in Angouleme, France, he is now a PhD candidate at CAFA and teaches comics in CAFA’s print making studio.

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