Carolina Cerbaro

Available on Apple Books

Co-Published with innen

28 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2021
150 Copies

Carolina Cer­baro en­ters into the de­sign process with a great sense of cu­rios­ity and a will­ing­ness to go with the flow and likes to be sur­prised by the re­sult. She uses grids and unfolds their limitations into variations. She is a free-spir­ited mas­ter of her craft. Her haptic ap­proach al­lows her to re­tain con­trol of her work while at the same time de­lib­er­ately in­dulging in a de­cel­er­ated ap­proach to time.

When­ever she trav­els she brings back im­ages of painted let­ter­ing, which she col­lects avidly. The ty­pog­ra­phy on many of her posters is made up of let­ters she has cut out and glued by hand. She com­bines or­na­ments and im­ages in col­lages away from the com­puter screen and does so with un­err­ing in­tu­ition.

Carolina Cerbaro is nowadays active as an artist, she expanded her abstract approach, related to the field of graphic design as her background, into sand drawings and wallpaintings. She is well-versed in printing techniques and a co-founder of K-Set, an archive for self-published zines.

The original printed edition of this zine is sold out. It is available as electronic zine (ePub) for Apple devices from the link above. You may request the direct ePub file for other compatible devices ($2.99).