Anja Kirschner

Available on Apple Books

20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2009
150 Copies

Anja Kirschner's drawings present a series of plans for a future film set, dealing with the legendary 18th century criminal Jack Sheppard and his inferred relationship with Daniel Defoe, thought to have been the ghost writer of his 'autobiography'. The designs combine elements from constructivist theatre design and early 18th century prints, depicting modular components of the set to be constructed during filming, indicating the systemic relationship between workshop and prison cell, bourgeois home and the gallows.

Anja Kirschner was born in 1977 in Munich, Germany and lives and works in London. Recent exhibitions and screening include Trail of the Spider, Starr Auditorium, Tate Modern and ICA, London (2008); Polly II, Broadcast Gallery, Dublin (2008), Starr Auditorium, Tate Modern (2007) and Transmission Gallery, Glasgow (2007).

Her forthcoming film, made in collaboration with David Panos, will be exhibited at the Chisenhale Gallery London (May/June 2009) and the CCA, Glasgow (August/September 2009).