C'est pas angoissant
Available on Apple Books
20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2009
150 Copies
C'est pas angoissant is a combination of big scale drawings (180 x 200 cm) and the One year Drawings, showing the process of reconstructing one image amongst all those that I had registered during the day. In both cases I’m interested in the creation of a frail universe based on the tensions between the anxiety of existential discomfort and it’s comical response evoked by human figures. Katerina Christidi
Katerina Christidi was born in Greece and live between Athens and Paris. Recent exhibitions include And now? at the State Museum of Contemporary Art,Thessaloniki, Transexperiences at the 798, Beijing, Charcoal Overload at the Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center, Athens