Beano Henge
Available on Apple Books
24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2009
150 Copies
Titles by
Sun Flowers
"This one is a collection of old and new works, ordered and staged in this specific way. It's some ideas for goblin activities. Within this zine, crude and clumsy forms collide with intricate moments, switching between all these different approaches to drawing. It culminates in something like an indoors kid in summer moving through a dusty corridor sorting through old boxes or peeing in a futuristic dump." Leomi Sadler
Leomi produces as much works as possible in her spare time. The artist works often with a secret team of others producing ugly art projects and stupid cartoons under the name Famicon. Their most infamous piece is the ongoing animated series Bart The General. Leomi also runs Famicon Express (currently in association with Bonehouse Books) to publish comics and art books with friends and family.
Leomi Sadler exhibited with Xymphora Artist Group, View & Ask Gallery, Nazi Knife, Frederic Magazine and appeared in numerous contemporary comics anthologies.
The original printed edition of this zine is sold out. It is available as electronic zine (ePub) for Apple devices from the link above. You may request the direct ePub file for other compatible devices ($2.99).